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Studying AI

RAG from scratch (1)

참고자료 :




Part 1 - Part 4.

★ Connecting LLMs to external data

- LLMs haven't seen your data

- private and recent data are not included


RAG : Retrieval Augmented Generation

RAG pipeline : Indexing → Retrieval → Generation


stage 1: Indexing

Index external documents into numerical representation → make retrieval of documents easier, easily searchable

Loading, splitting, and embedding (∵ limited context window)

Documents split embedding vectorstore


stage 2 : Retrieval

retrieve document(s) relevant to query

langchain supports diverse embedding models, indexing, document loaders, splitters

hyperparameter k : number of nearest neighbors to fetch

KNN search


stage 3 : Generation

important : add the retrieved docs (from stage 2) to context window to feed to LLM to generate answers

connecting retrieval with LLMs via prompt

prompt = a placeholder with keys(e.g. context, question)


LCEL(LangChain Expression Language)

few common methods : invoke, batch, stream

connect prompt to llm




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